Do You Compost?

I have a shameful confession. I don’t compost. That’s right, our food scraps go, ahem, (soft whisper) in the garbage or down the disposal. I feel it’s a deep dark secret that I have to hide but lately, when friends and family have been over and asked where to put the food scraps, I feel the secret has gotten out.

I grew up in a home where composting was an art. Nothing biodegradable went in the garbage and, every year, my father spread beautiful rich compost all over our flowers and vegetable garden. Composting is in my blood and yet I have never gotten started myself.

In my defense I have to say I did try it a few years ago. I bought this little in-home plastic composting bucket that claimed to be “odor-free” and work as well as composting in your yard. The result was a putrid mess of goo that become so unbearable in my first trimester of pregnancy that I quickly chucked the whole idea.

The reason I don’t compost now is I haven’t figured out where to put it. Our suburban home has a very small yard and every inch of it is visible either to us or to one of our neighbors, none of whom want to be looking at either a compost pile or even a black compost bin.

But maybe I’m missing something. Maybe there is a compost bin that wouldn’t look bad, is easy to use and won’t end up putrid like my last attempt. Do you compost? If so what do you use? A pile or a bin? If a bin, what kind? I think composting is next on my list of sustainable lifestyle changes but I want to do it right and in a way that leaves me on good terms with my neighbors. Please leave me your advice here. Thanks!

And speaking of composting, notice the new button in my sidebar for Enviromom’s One Can A Month Challenge. I was pretty proud when, at my house, we recently converted to the smallest garbage can our waste company provides. Still we easily fill it weekly so we have our work cut out for us if we’re going to try to cut out 3 of those 4 monthly pickups. If we start composting we’ll be heading in the right direction. I will keep you posted here.