Who Or What Do I Trust?

These are uncertain times. Everyday it seems the Dow drops lower, the powers-that-be come up with a new “rescue” plan, and the political candidates both swear they can get us out of this mess.  My husband and I have watched our long-term, hard-earned investments plummet in value, some lower than the original purchase price. It’s enough to make my stomach turn.

But then if I pause and really think about it, when was my financial foundation ever secure? The answer keeps coming back to me: never.  Placing my hope, my trust, my sense of security in finances is always shaky ground, no matter how high the strength of our portfolio might be on any given day. It’s easy when times are good (which they have been for a long time) to forget how volatile financial markets are. Financial markets aside, just about anything else I put my trust in is just as unstable. One day it might be my house – a fire could burn that to the ground. Another day it might be friends or family – tragedy could strike at any time. Other days the facade of well-being might be my health – which anyone who has been diagnosed with an illness knows can be gone in a flash.

I’m not trying to be morbid. In fact, I think I tend to be more pollyannaish than anything most of the time. But today I’m feeling realistically joyful. Why? Because all this uncertainty has brought  me back to the truth that can not be shaken by anything. My trust and my hope lies in Jesus Christ alone, as much as I forget that when other things seem somehow more real.  This week though, everything else seems so fragile and if nothing else I’m grateful to be reminded to “not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” (Matthew 6:34, RSV)  And why not worry? Because “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8, RSV).