What’s In A Swag Bag?

The UPS man has been showing up at my door almost every day lately. Each time he’s either bringing me new products for Bambootique’s trunk show or free samples from a fair trade company for the swag bags which every attendee will receive!

Some of the samples from the last trunk show

I’m not good with surprises (just ask my husband Steve!) so I thought I’d give you a sneak peek of what will be in this year’s swag bags. These are some of the companies who have donated free products and money-saving coupons for the bags and they’re great!

The trunk show is Saturday November 15 from 10am-4pm and Sunday November 16 from 1pm-5pm. If you’re in the Portland area and want to come, contact me for an emailed invitation complete with my home address and a money-saving coupon good only at the show. You are welcome and so are your globally-minded girlfriends (and guy friends, for that matter!).